When dream projects turn into a real one

A long while ago I started a project for myself as I often do. It was to be a coffee table for my library. It was a sculpture of a knarly old tree featuring many faces of characters in the bark. I got a good start on the piece but we became busy and the table was set aside. Time passed and eventually something else took it's place.

Then a few weeks ago I was contacted by some old friends, asking if I could create a special piece for their house. Along with the request I recieved a number of photos they had taken for inspiration. They were of a grove of 300 year old trees in Louisianna. My client spoke of the history and countless people these trees had seen in their lifetime past and how much more they would see in the future as they were only half grown. I immediately thought of the project I had started long ago that was now lying dormant in my studio. It would be a perfect fit for their wishes. I dusted it off and set it on the workbench once more. This time it will be finished.

tree table.png

Stay tuned for more soon...

-grampa dan