Aquariums/Zoos & Farms

Almost ready to drive

All of the pieces we created for the Stefan’s Country Drive attraction are now in place. The Vala’s Pumpkin Patch crews are going to be busy in a last minute scramble to get everything ready for the fall season that begins in a couple of weeks. This attraction is part of a whole new area of the farm. Although there is much still to be finished, the Cider Mill area looks fabulous and is going to be a wonderful addition to the farm.

Shrinking a wooden pig

The BBQ pig sign looked enormous in the shop as we were creating it, and measured more than nine feet in length and four feet in diameter. It shrank a little as we moved it outside. Last week, he magically grew again as we gently stuffed him into the back of the semi trailer. Today, as the Vala crew lifted him onto the veranda roof of the new BBQ restaurant he instantly shrank once again. But he also looked perfect, framed by the gable roof end behind him. He is the ideal icon for the restaurant. The smaller version (five feet long) of the pig will be mounted over a giant outdoor fireplace (which is yet to be built) on the left corner of the building. Stay tuned for more pictures of Vala projects tomorrow…

The reveal

Right on time this morning the truck came up the road to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. Everyone was excited to watch the new batch of signs and features being revealed as each giant pallet was pulled from the truck. All of the pieces came off without a scratch. As the truck drove away the Vala crew started hooking up the first piece to lift it into place. Great progress was made on my first day in Nebraska. Stay tuned…