Absolutely TOP SECRET!

Every once in a while we do a project that we aren’t allowed to talk about. We started such a project today. As part of our negotiations with our client, we worked out a deal that we were permitted to take pictures of the daily progress and post them to our blog. But we are not allowed to reveal what it is or where it is going. The project was designed more than a dozen years ago but its time had not yet come. Back then we built a finely detailed model which has lived on a shelf in our studio, patiently waiting for the right opportunity. We absolutely loved the idea then and are even more excited to be actually building it at last. Today, we began by welding up the start of a super heavy duty frame. The feature is massive and will be transported as a single piece to our client’s property. Speculating is definitely allowed and even encouraged but we will not be able to confirm nor deny any guesses until the feature is unveiled in its final home in the spring of 2020. Stay tuned for much more progress…

welding first structure 1a.png