Made in the shade

They've almost finished installing the new boardwalk up at Cultus Lake Adventure Park. It goes around and over much of Giggle Ridge Adventure Golf. The crew did a careful and amazing job of installing the massive structure. They had to dig hundreds of holes in the golf to pour footings and the giant timber uprights. They kept the damage to an absolute minimum and when they were done we got called in to repair and add some features to the golf. While we were at it we are repainting the colourful rocks in the creek. Today we began that work.

We loaded up our tool trailer with all of the supplies and tools we would need. While the painting crew set to work on the repaints Peter started welding up the structures for the new features. The wiring crew followed close behind with the expanded lath. Tomorrow is mud day when we will trowel on the fibreglass reinforced concrete and sculpt in the detail. 

The day was bright and sunny but because we were working under the new boardwalk we had it made in the shade.