A lifetime investment that pays massive dividends

I hear some people comment that it is a rare thing for families to work together and get along. I don't believe it happens by chance but rather something you need to invest in.

When Peter was only two weeks old he accompanied me to town for the very first time - just the two of us. I was getting some parts from a supplier and I lifted him, still strapped in his carseat, onto the counter while I shopped. I remember the fellow who came to help us commented with some sarcasm that "I was stuck with the kid." I quickly corrected him by stating "No, I wasn't stuck with my kid, but rather we chose to spend time together." Peter was my constant companion from that time forward as we played and worked together for countless hours through the years. In the early years tasks took just a little longer while Peter did his very best to help me. I truly appreciated his efforts. When Peter was fourteen, his helping turned into a professional gig as he worked with me on my historical murals. Those murals proudly bear his signature beside mine. We travelled many. many thousands of miles together and shared so many good times. While he had much to learn in those early days, I thought of him as my equal from the start.

These days the tables are quickly turning. Peter and his wife Hailey are the major shareholders in the company and I now work for them. We still enjoy every day and share so many laughs while we work together. Its a lifetime investment that pays massive dividends. The picture below was taken twenty-three years ago while we worked on a mural in 29 Palms, California.