Favorite sign?

I often get asked which sign that we've done is my favorite? That's a tough question. There havve been lots of cool projects to choose from. Let's consider a few of the memorable ones...

The sign we did for Kelmor's Gravel pit was a fun one and definitely ranks up there as one of my favorites. His name is Scoops...


The giant duck we did for a waterslide is also right up there.

duck sign.png

Our own sign still pleases me every time I see it. It may get a new base one of these days but the ship will live on for a long tme to come.

sawatzkys sign.jpg

Some of the samples on display in our shop are also on that list. Hopefully customers like them too and these signs inspire more similar projects in the future.

sub sign.png
tri-angle sign.png

The Fox and Hounds Pub signs were very fun to do and still are on that list as well.

finished sign 1.png

I could go on and on with more examples of signs we've done - signs I still enjoy. But my all time favorite sign is the next one and definitely the one after that. Imagine! Stay tuned...

-grampa dan