Maybe a sculpting workshop...

The Sign Magic Workshop this past weekend was a high energy event. We did the 'B is for bug' sculpting exercise with great results, but a few simply wanted more... much more. Janey and Joyce kept poking me incessantly to accept the 'MOOSE CHALLENGE'. I think Roger Cox and others in the group were behind the intimidation effort as well. Everyone somehow knows I can't resist a challenge. Sunday afternoon, as some were preparing to leave I could resist no longer. We whacked out six disks of Precision Board for the base plates and I brought out the jigsaw and some scraps of thicker board so each participant could form the armature for the head. The challenge was on. Speed was definitely a factor, but creativity was the key. One idea inspired another, and six cartoon moose head sculptures instantly were underway. Each 'contestant' was intent on out doing the others in good natured fun. Each participant was the winner for they pulled off a small sculpture most thought they were not capable of previous to the workshop.

Sadly at this point I was so tired I never thought to get pictures of the other moose and the talented people hard at work on them. I was simply doing my best to stay out in front and keep up with everything else going on as well. But here's a picture of my effort taken this morning...


As we intently worked on our moose the discussion inevitably went to a topic long discussed at previous workshops. When would we hold an advanced sculpting workshop? And as I saw the brilliant but humorous moose sculptures unfolding it gave me cause to really have a frank discussion with them of what was wanted, just what this 'advanced' workshop might entail. 

The Sign Magic Workshops will continue twice each year without doubt. I enjoy teaching them and they are successful. But it may just be time to go one step further and hold a special workshop that focuses on our way of adding sculpture to our unique signs. Each attendee would create a fairly complex project in three long but fun days. Each would weld an armature, carve, sculpt and paint their creations in that time. The projects would share a similar starting point and inspiration but each participant would be encouraged to take it in their own unique direction. Through the process we would discover multiple solutions to the same problem. It would be like our 'B is for bug' exercise but on steroids.

I'll be contacting previous attendees of our workshops to get input as to what this new workshop might encompass, based on their experience at past workshops. 

I think this may be fun...

-grampa dan