Baba Yaga's house?

Dreaming up and drawing up ideas for a project almost always involves some research. While I like to think I am pretty clever, the truth is I have a great deal to learn. The subject at hand of late is witch’s lore, which I really know very little about. While we are striving to be accurate with this project, we also want to keep things light and definitely on the humorous side as our target audience is young families. Our crew is critiquing my work and continually adding ideas as always. As we considered ideas for features this afternoon Peter suggested (rather insisted) we do a Baba Yaga house. I resisted for I had no idea of which he spoke and when he told me I thought it a bit on the ridiculous side. Baba Yaga, it turns out was a witch that flew around in a magic cauldron and lived in a hut which was perched on giant chicken legs. While it sounded (to me) a lot on the wild side the idea was also crazy enough to be a wonderful feature. After a little research, the perfect version was drawn up as a concept. This would certainly be challenging as a structure but would be extremely fun to build. We’ll be pitching this idea with the rest and see if it flies!

baba yaga house.jpg