The race continues

It seems the wiring crew is relentless as they chase the welding crew as we fabricate the feature structures. The rows of wired pieces grows daily out in the parking lot. There are now nine benches and two balance beams ready for the sculpted concrete.

benches wired.png

Two tree structures are now wired as well, a mean feat as these are complex structures to shape the metal lath around.

fun fun fun sign wired.png

The horse too is wired and ready for the layer of concrete to be sculpted.

horse and wagon wired.png

The first pirate ship now has it's bow wired. We'll continue work on the rest of the ship tomorrow.

front of ship wired.png

Tomorrow some of the wiring crew will be busy cutting steel as we get in a good sized order. The welding crew will race on ahead - hopefully just a little.

-grampa dan