Pictures of completed park - part one

Each time I am able I go back into Cultus Lake Adventure Park to take pictures of the completed project. Because of the different angles of the sun and the many trees that surround the park the light is always changing. In the last couple of weeks I have managed to get some good pictures.

The first pictures are of the three signs on the Western building.

apothecary sign.png
dusty's dry goods finished.png
armadillo sign installed.png

Just inside the eastern entrance is a giant balloon photo op. Guests love to climb up into the basket and have their pictures taken as a rememberance of the good time enjoyed in the park.

ballon photo op finished.png

With the landscaping in place it dresses things up nicely around the Buckin' Bronco loading platform

bunkin bronco booth finished.png
horse and wagon finished.png

Across the walkway is the Happy Horse Saloon.

happy horse saloon sign finished.png
happy horse saloon.png

I'll continue to post more pictures next time.

-grampa dan