All talk?

It has been a very busy two days at the conference in Chemainus. It was my pleasure to do two presentations with my slides and also sit on a round table of industry leaders to answer questions to the audience. I've traditionally been one to avoid committees and meetings, preferring to be a man of action rather than merely talking about the possibilities. In recent years, however, I have mellowed a bit and find myself doing many speaking engagements. Rather than merely presenting dry lectures I instead enjoy challenging old ideas and ways of thinking about tourism and art. I encourage those who listen to take a new approach, to be bold in their art and lives. This conference was a very different audience for my unorthodox ideas. I may have surprised them a little.

For me the trip back to the little town was both a fond look back into the past as well as a glimpse into the future... a somewhat strange experience in many ways. It was a dozen years ago we left Chemainus permanently after living there for eighteen years and being extremely active in helping to form what it became. Chemanus has largely coasted for the last decade and now is planning a revitalization once again. It may just be that in some small way I may again play a role in Chemainus' future. Time will tell.

It was good to rub shoulders and share ideas with those in the art and mural business from around the world. A few I had met previously and others I had only heard of by reputation. It was my pleasure to learn new things and ways of thinking from others in attendance and also to share my ideas with them.

As with every convention or gathering I attend the benefit will be calculated down the road when we see what comes from all the talk. The resulting action will be that measure.

-grampa dan